Ahead for Business eNews: May 2022 edition
A bookshop owner shares his wellbeing tips, new guides to support the mental health and wellbeing of workers during COVID-19 and free training programs to support small business owners and sole traders.
The mental health and wellbeing of small business owners will be the focus of a number of state and national campaigns this October, as the sector comes together for National Safe Work Month, NSW Small Business Month and Mental Health Month.
As part of these campaigns, a number of webinar events and activities are planned throughout the month, to help support the mental health and wellbeing of small business owners, and those who support them.
A snapshot of activities are outlined below:
For further information and tools to support your business and your mental health, visit Ahead for Business 'Resources' section.
A bookshop owner shares his wellbeing tips, new guides to support the mental health and wellbeing of workers during COVID-19 and free training programs to support small business owners and sole traders.
The International Day of Friendship is celebrated each year on 30 July. It’s an important reminder for small business owners to prioritise social connection to keep their workplace mentally healthy.
It’s been a tough year, and for some, Christmas is the shining light at the end of the 2020 tunnel with family celebrations, social connection and time off work. For others, the holiday period may be a time of stress or isolation, with many unable to travel to be with family or friends this year.
The NSW Government has launched a regional resource kit with tailored advice and resources to promote, manage and support mental health in regional workplaces.