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Welcome to our new digital hub

Ahead For Business new digital hub - Launch from EverymindAU on Vimeo.

Ahead for Business is pleased to unveil our new digital hub which aims to support small businesses to be mentally healthy.

An initiative of Everymind and funded by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, the website has been developed with and for small businesses, showcasing their experiences through podcasts, videos, blogs and case studies.

Everymind Program Manager Dr Sally Fitzpatrick, who manages the Ahead for Business project said the new digital hub includes a suite of new features to assist small business owners and those who support them to take action on their mental health and wellbeing.

“We know that small business owners have an increased risk of mental ill-health due to the unique business stressors they face,” said Dr Fitzpatrick.

“For them, there can’t be a one size fits all approach to workplace mental health as small businesses experience different stressors and are diverse in their specific needs. They have told us they want tailored support when it comes to their mental health and wellbeing.

“To respond to this need we have developed the new Ahead for Business digital hub which provides access to tailored resources, interactive toolkits, mental health check-ups and personalised action plans. The website also features a personalised dashboard and private portal where small business owners can save resources, results and information.

“Small businesses have also said they want to be able to connect with other small business owners over the challenges they face in their own time and when it suits them.

“As a result we have created an online, anonymous, peer-to-peer forum featuring topics that matter to small business owners so they can connect with others and get peer support from people who understand what they are experiencing.

“These are just a couple of the new supportive elements which have been incorporated into the digital hub to make it a space where small business owners can connect, share, engage and receive support on their terms and in accordance with their needs.”

Check out what’s new on the hub:

  • Interactive toolkits: Designed with small business owners and policy makers in mind, these toolkits provide practical guidance on how to support small business owners and how small business owners can make the most of their existing networks.
  • Adverse events spotlight: A centralised hub of support, information and resources for small business owners and those who support them to assist in navigating adverse events like COVID-19, drought and bushfires.
  • Voices and stories from small business owners: A blog space featuring the voices and stories from small business owners across multiple settings and industries.
  • Personalised dashboard: A secure, private portal where small business owners can save resources, results and information and track their progress over time.
  • Connect and chat online: Access an anonymous, peer-focused online forum featuring topics and issues that matter to small business owners.
  • Directory of support: A section which connects to service providers and organisations that provide mental health, business and industry support for small business owners.
  • Identify your stressors: Access a range of digital tools and plans to identify personal and business stress points and understand current mental health and wellbeing status, including personalised resources.
  • Tailored multimedia resources: A series of podcasts, videos and case studies designed to empower small business owners, and those who support them, to take action on their mental health and wellbeing.

The digital hub was officially launched today with support from the Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business the Hon Michaelia Cash.

Ahead for Business is currently working with key industries and engaging with communities in geographical trial sites across the country to aid the development of further tailored resources and training to support small business.

The hub will continue to be updated with new features, blogs, small business stories, sector relevant news and other resources for small business.

Read the official media release.

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For more information on the hub, visit

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