Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service
Provides information, advice, and strategies to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19.
While Australia seems to be over the worst of the COVID-19 restrictions, things still aren’t back to ‘normal’.
Small business owners had, and continue to face, many additional COVID-19 related stressors that can significantly impact on mental health and wellbeing. As a small business owner, you may have been juggling a variety of challenges such as adapting your business to COVID-19 rules and regulations, managing JobKeeper payments for employees and dealing with customer aggression towards restrictions. Navigating this new, unknown territory may cause you a great deal of stress, and could lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
As a small business owner, you may still be feeling overwhelmed by the financial impact of COVID-19 and stressed about the future of your business. If you are concerned about any of the below symptoms in yourself, consider seeking support.
If you are concerned about your mental health and wellbeing or want to improve your mental health, you can implement some basic techniques into your daily life. Below are some actions you can take to improve your mental health.
There are a lot of mental health resources for small businesses impacted by COVID-19. Please see the readings below to access further support. There are also a lot of practical resources and financial assistance available to small businesses, please see the ‘Financially impacted by COVID-19?’ page for more information and links to useful websites.
Provides information, advice, and strategies to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19.
The latest official coronavirus news, updates and advice from the Australian Government.
A variety of COVID-19 information including facts, mental health resources, managing financial stress, where to access mental health services, and information for parents.
Guided learning modules to help support a mentally healthy workplace during COVID-19
Mental health coping strategies to help you through COVID-19.
Coping with some of the workplace difficulties of COVID-19 such as stress around transmission, looking after staff metal health, and dealing with customer aggression.
Strategies to help small business owners navigate ‘COVID normal’ while taking care of their mental health.
Learn what mental health is (and isn’t), to reap the benefits in your business.
For many small business owners, financial pressure is often one of the biggest sources of stress. Find out where you can get the latest COVID-19 support.
Life is full of unexpected events, which can impact you and your business. Building resilience helps us mentally prepare for adverse circumstances in our lives.
Despite the disruption, marketer Jane Hillsdon found herself incredibly grateful for the wake-up call that was the year 2020.