Small business guides to mental healthy workplaces: Promote
How small business owners and workers can promote mental health by recognising and enhancing the positive aspects of work.
Creating a mentally healthy business can encourage good mental health and prevent mental health concerns, as well as helping to support the mental health and wellbeing of yourself and your employees.
In Australia, 20% of all people will experience a mental illness in any given year, and 45% will experience a mental illness at some time in their life. Chances are you or one of your employees may deal with mental ill-health at some point. As such, it is important to do what you can in your workplace to help support mental health and those who may be experiencing problems.
A mentally healthy workplace is beneficial to yourself, your staff and your business. By implementing the practices recommended below, you will be able to create a positive workplace culture, making your business somewhere you and your staff will want to work. You will have more engaged and productive workers and be more productive yourself.
Simply put, a mentally healthy workplace is one which:
A mentally healthy workplace is not just one that prevents mental ill-health; it also promotes good mental health and wellbeing and helps you and your employees feel supported.
Every small business is unique, and just because you may not have the same tools or resources as larger businesses does not mean you can’t make your workplace mentally healthy. Below are some suggestions to get you started:
As an employer and business owner under Work Health and Safety (WHS) you also have legal responsibilities to eliminate or minimise the risk to psychological health and safety within the business. For more information and resources on this, visit Safe Work Australia’s website.
How small business owners and workers can promote mental health by recognising and enhancing the positive aspects of work.
The social and financial benefits of a mentally health workplace
Safe Work NSW tips on creating a mentally healthy workplace
How to strike a healthy work-life balance, reduce your stress levels and increase your job satisfaction. How to strike a healthy work-life balance, reduce your stress levels and increase your job satisfaction.
Learn what mental health is (and isn’t), to reap the benefits in your business.
Find out how to build connections into your everyday work routine.
If you are a small business owner with staff, fostering a positive work and team environment is paramount in creating a mentally healthy small business.