Self-care for small business owners
Clinical nurse consultant Katie Blues shares advice on looking after yourself.
Small businesses in the Blue Mountains have been facing many challenges, with the extensive bushfires of 2019/2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. These events have had a significant impact on businesses across the region, especially those relying on tourism.
This page provides you with information on some of the support services available in your area, whether it is for mental health, business support or help with managing adversity and build resilience.
Seeking social support by connecting with other small business owners is a great way to look after yourself. Consider joining a local business networking group to discuss the challenges of running a business. Some networking groups in your area:
The small business environment has changed significantly since 2020, and you may be looking for support to adapt to these changes. Have a look at the below supports to help keep your business on track.
Whether you are stressed and worried about your business, or feeling sad and down about things happening in your personal life, it is helpful to talk to someone. Take a look at some of sites below that can direct you to the most relevant service.
Although some time has passed since the 2019 bushfires in the Blue Mountains, many people are still dealing with the aftermath. This may be physically rebuilding your home and business, or mentally overcoming these events. Some bushfire resources that might be relevant to you:
COVID-19 has had a massive impact on businesses across the world, particularly small business owners. Living in an area reliant on tourism is difficult when people are travelling less. Below are some services available to help small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19.
Do you know of a free support service that would be useful for small business owners in the Blue Mountains? Please email us on [email protected] and let us know.
Clinical nurse consultant Katie Blues shares advice on looking after yourself.
Find out about Beyond Blue’s Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service
Business consultant Deborah Gardiner’s message to small business owners is to work on your business and work on your resilience.
My Business Health helps small business owners navigate challenging periods, as well as day-to-day challenges.