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Indicators of a Thriving Workplace survey

SuperFriend’s most recent research surveyed almost 10,000 Australian workers to understand what makes a workplace thrive. Small business owners can use this information to better understand what they can do to improve mental health and wellbeing for themselves and their employees.

According to the report, there are five domains that contribute to a thriving workplace. Think about what you could do in your small business to improve the following:

  1. Connectedness: Supportive and respectful relationships at work.
  2. Safety: Workplaces that are free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.
  3. Leadership: Managers modelling positive behaviours, providing feedback for growth, utilising strengths and enabling success.
  4. Work design: Roles, tasks and responsibilities are organised in a way that empowers workers and allows for individual preferences.
  5. Capability: The workplace is equipped with the skills and resources to support mental health.

In addition to these domains, the report found some individual factors that contribute to wellbeing at work. In some good news for small business owners, owning a business or being a manager at some level was found to lead to a higher Thriving Workplace score. Some other factors included being aged 30-44, working between 30-49 hours a week, working full time, working in a larger organisation with over 200 people and being located in NSW or Tasmania.

The report also found some areas that can have a negative impact on mental health at work. Small business owners should look at how they can improve these factors for themselves and their employees:

  • Inappropriate workload: Having too much or too little work or responsibility
  • Low recognition: Lack of positive feedback, recognition or rewards for good work
  • Poor change management: Lack of clear communication, consultation or effective processes during workplace changes
  • Poor management support: Inadequate assistance or guidance from leaders
  • Low job control: Limited control over decisions relating to how work is performed.

Working for a SME (2-200 employees) as an employee was also found to lower wellbeing at work. Some other factors leading to lower workplace wellbeing included being aged 55-64, working 60+ hours a week, working on a casual basis, being financially stressed and being located in QLD or the ACT.

This information can help you build a more mentally healthy small business. Explore our resources below to find out more:

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